Onboarding in OpRes - Create Your Operational Resilience Framework in Minutes

Published by Ben Saunders - OpRes Founder

Roughy a 15-minute Watch

Over the last few weeks, we have published several blogs which provided our readers with some initial insights into OpRes and the features that we are looking to deliver as part of the solution. The general feedback and engagement across the blogs have been very encouraging. One industry contact got in touch to tell us…. “Enjoying the content, finding it insightful, honest, and transparent. Keep up the good work!”

This got us thinking…. As such, we thought we might try something new when sharing our product development with the wider operational resilience community. So, here you all have it…. the first-ever episode of the OpRes Show & Tell Series!

This vlog will provide you with an overview of how users configure OpRes using our self-service onboarding wizard. This outlines how we use information submitted by users to build a rigorous, yet flexible data model which can underpin their operational resilience framework. Whilst we also share the plans we have for our Alpha release in Q3 of 2021 and the freemium version of OpRes.

As this is the first, of what we hope will be many, Show & Tells we’d love to hear your feedback and insights about the direction we are taking with OpRes. In this regard, we have created an invite-only Slack community to get your honest and candid suggestions. We are requesting stakeholders from across the Operational Resilience domain to get in touch and help us build out a solution that is equally transferable to firms of all shapes and sizes.

Please send an email to hq@opres.uk if you are interested in joining our Show & Tell community? We will get in touch and set the wheels in motion ASAP.

Enjoy the watch and we hope to share more Show & Tells with you in the coming weeks.




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