OpRes Show & Tell 2 - Introducing The Operational Resilience Hub

Published by Ben Saunders - OpRes Founder

Roughly a 15-minute watch

Welcome to our second OpRes Show & Tell Announcement. This week we are covering off the OpRes Resilience Hub. The Resilience Hub is the heart of our proposition and is the central source of truth within OpRes, which enables firms to report on their resilience posture in real-time.

  • We have created a 15-minute show and tell which covers how users can:

  • Segment data filters to analyse a firm’s resilience posture across regions, countries, brands, and products.

  • Break down tiers of business services across the firm and understand whether these are either compliant or non-compliant with impact tolerance targets.

  • Identify where 3rd & 4th party suppliers either match, meet, or exceed their impact tolerances that have been defined for business services.

  • Surface critical or important suppliers across business services and how prevalent they are across the estate.

  • Map system and supplier distribution across hosting providers to ascertain where there are concentration risks.

  • Track resilience gaps. Perform trend analysis and identify the most and least resilient institutions across the firm.

As a reminder, we have created an invite-only Slack community to get your honest and candid suggestions about OpRes.

Please send an email to hq@opres.uk if you are interested in joining our Show & Tell community? We will get in touch and set the wheels in motion ASAP.

Enjoy the watch and we hope to share more Show & Tells with you in the coming weeks.




Building an Operational Resilience Framework - Setting Impact Tolerances with OpRes


The EU's - Digital Operational Resilience Act: 5 Things Firms Need to Know