Published by Ben Saunders - OpRes Founder

Roughly a 2-minute read

Rather than our usual Friday 5 Round-up, this week we have opted to provide users with an update of the new features that we have delivered in OpRes since our Alpha release was launched last week. Evidently, we want to maintain the balance between removing technical debt and delivering great features for our customers which is never an easy balance! 

Here are 3 provisional feature updates that we think will make operational resilience reporting a little easier for our customers! 

New Search Functionality: As of exactly 60-minutes ago….and counting….users can now leverage the search functionality built into OpRes. This means they can search for important business services, suppliers, and systems. As well as being able to quickly search for the unique ID numbers for operational resilience gaps that are stored in the tool. 

New Feature: Searching for Records in OpRes

New Feature: Searching for Records in OpRes

Delete Important Business Services, Systems, and Suppliers: Over time, we all make mistakes! Particularly when we are getting used to new software! As a result, users can now delete the records that they store in OpRes, assuming they have the correct credentials to do so. 

New Feature: Deleting Records in OpRes

New Feature: Deleting Records in OpRes

Set Data Classification for Important Business Services: As part of the operational resilience policies set out by the PRA & FCA, firms must also identify the data sources that their important business services interact with. Subsequently, this means understanding the data classifications that must be assigned to the important business services that they identify. 

As a result, users now have the capacity to set the data classifications of their Important Business Services by selecting from the following categories:






New Feature: Setting Data Classification for Important Business Services in OpRes

New Feature: Setting Data Classification for Important Business Services in OpRes

New Feature: Reporting on Data Classification for Important Business Services in OpRes

New Feature: Reporting on Data Classification for Important Business Services in OpRes

Feel free to road-test the latest updates over at and stay tuned to the OpRes website as we announce more features in the coming weeks! 

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading!

All the best, 



OpRes - Open Sourced


Bank of England Comments on Critical Third Parties and Operational Resilience