OpRes - Open Sourced

The OpRes framework has been open-sourced and can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/BSaunders-OpRes/OpRes

OpRes enables financial services organisations to optimise their operational resilience posture by building a dynamic insights and reporting framework. OpRes is now an open source project and was built to support firms in their responses to the following regulations:

SS1/21 Operational resilience: Impact tolerances for Important Business Services

PS21/3 Building Operational Resilience

FG16/5: Guidance For Firms Outsourcing To The ‘Cloud’ and Other Third Party IT Services

DORA - Digital Operational Resilience Act COM/2020/595 Final

If you have any questions in respect of OpRes, then please get in touch with Ben Saunders: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-saunders-24699558/


OpRes: Engineering & Product Update 15th October 2021